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One Thing To Do If You Are Chronically Unwell

When you are chronically unwell, it can feel like an endless cycle of pain, frustration, and expectations—expectations to feel better, to keep going, or to meet the demands of everyday life. But if there is one thing that can offer relief in this challenging journey, it is mindfulness practice.

Why Get Mindful?

Mindfulness isn’t about ignoring your pain or giving up on improving your health. Instead, it’s about embracing what is happening in the present moment. It’s a practice of acceptance—not defeat. Mindfulness allows you to acknowledge the reality of your situation without adding the weight of judgment or the pressure of “shoulds.”

What Does This Mean?

You might feel pressure to think, “I should feel better by now,” “I should be able to do more,” or “I should be stronger.” These “shoulds” only add to your emotional burden, increasing stress and preventing you from being fully present in the healing process.

By accepting what is happening to you right now—without judgment—you free yourself from these pressures. This practice doesn’t mean giving up; it’s about creating space. When you stop resisting reality, you give your mind and body the space they need to heal.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is simply doing what you are doing and nothing else. It means being fully present in each moment, whether eating, walking, breathing, or simply sitting. You are aware of what you’re doing without distraction, fully engaged in the present activity, and not preoccupied by worries, frustrations, or other thoughts.

This simple definition captures the heart of mindfulness. It’s not a complex technique but rather a way of living in the present. You can start small by focusing on your breath or noticing the sensations in your body as you move or rest.

Elaborating on Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice rooted in awareness. When you are mindful, you allow yourself to notice what is happening—both in your body and mind—without judgment. Here’s why it can be especially powerful for those dealing with chronic illness:

  1. Acceptance of Reality: Chronic illness often brings unpredictable symptoms. Instead of battling against your body, mindfulness allows you to accept your current state. This doesn’t mean you don’t seek healing; it means you accept the present moment for what it is, rather than resisting or denying it.
  2. Freedom from “Should”: We often carry expectations about what we should be able to do, feel, or accomplish, especially when facing illness. Mindfulness gives you the freedom to release these expectations. You don’t have to feel guilty for not meeting some external standard. Instead, you can simply be where you are.
  3. Unburden Yourself: By being mindful, you permit yourself to let go of the burdens of expectation, judgment, and frustration. You stop fighting against reality and start working with it. This mindset shift can reduce stress and help your body’s natural healing processes.
  4. Creating Space for Healing: Mindfulness gives you space to breathe, to rest, and to heal. Healing isn’t always about doing more; sometimes, it’s about doing less. Creating space for stillness and presence allows your mind and body to recalibrate and focus on recovery.

Practical Tips to Get Started with Mindfulness

  • Focus on your breath: Spend just five minutes focusing on your breathing. Notice how it feels as air enters and leaves your body. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the breath.
  • Do one thing at a time: Whether it’s eating, walking, or even washing your hands, try to give your full attention to the activity. Notice the sensations, smells, or sounds involved in your actions.
  • Observe without judgment: If you feel pain or discomfort, try not to label it as “good” or “bad.” Just notice it and acknowledge it. This simple observation can reduce the emotional burden attached to physical sensations.

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