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The immune system is not one thing. It is sprinkled around the whole body. There are cells in the liver, brain, muscles, artery and veins and the gut. In fact, 70% of “lymph” tissue (at part of the immune system) is lining the gut it is called the Gut Associated Lymphoid tissue or GALT. These cells are communicating with every other system in the body. And it is smooth communication that really tunes up your immune response. Imagine your gut being out of sorts, this could range from something seemingly simple as occasional indigestion all the way to inflammatory bowel disease. Knowing that 70% of your immune function lives in the gut, how well will you respond to an invader? Or knowing that sleep is imperative to a robust immune response how will you resist infection if you are sleep deprived? Given that your hormone system and your immune system are indistinguishable in many places in the body, what about hormone imbalance and your immune response?
A robust, vigilant and ready immune system is far more complex than a simple supplement or two. It requires optimizing the 5 Modifiable Lifestyle factors and the 10 Physiologic and Functional factors. But, simply looking at each area in isolation will not do it. These areas of health are all dynamic and interactive. It is like a web. A disturbance in any part of this web will disrupt the rest of the web.
We have developed a simple innate assessment of these 15 domains of health. This simple test results in a highly customized program for you. This test will create literally one-in-a-billion results custom to you.
One-in-a-billion, just like you.