More Important than Your Medical History, Not a Genetic Test
We are in the middle of a medical crisis. We are applying the acute care model of medicine to chronic complex disease states. Do not misunderstand, the acute care model is a modern miracle for things like heart attacks and diabetic emergencies. But it is not addressing the reasons people are getting heart disease and diabetes in the first place.
We are spending billions of dollars at the endstage instead of thousands to prevent.
Patients present with a wide variety of symptoms and leave the doctor’s office with a drug for each of them instead of going deep to the one cause. It is a paradox because in medial school doctors are trained to look for the one cause. We have lost that someplace. We have been relegated to being providers for the pharmaceutical industry, who has a pill for every ill.
We spend more money on chronic disease than we do on national defense. Because we are providing fragmented symptomatic care. And the more drugs you are on the more side effects and the more drug interactions.
Medication are not evil in themselves selves but they should be viewed as a stop-gap measure until the underlying cause can be addressed.
The Functional Medicine Timeline is a tool we use to see long term changes in your health. We look for the last time you were truly well. What happened at that time and what was the cause since then. For most people, they can pinpoint a time when they were “never well since”. And the timeline will reveal a cascade of events since that time that results in the problems they are having today.
It helps us see links from family history to current illness. This helps us see predisposing factors, we call Antecedents. We are always looking for antecedents because they are the thing that made you susceptible to the illness in the first place. Triggers are events that set off your illness cascade, these are often evident on a timeline. And mediators are things that keep your illness path going. We can turn the volume down on mediators with diet lifestyle, diet, and supplements.
Watch this video if you want to learn more.